How Digital Credentialing Is Changing The Way We Know Certification System?

Traditional paper-based certificates are increasingly being replaced by digital credentials. When everything is going digital then it only makes sense that this part of the system gets the same treatment.

But what you may think of merely as a change in format, in reality, this transition is much more deeper and even considered to be game-changing. It represents a fundamental change in the way we are used to recognize and verify credential.

Digital credentialing system is rapidly becoming popular. It has moved from pilot programs to actually being adopted for real-world implementation. The use of digital credentials is revolutionizing the overall certification process, benefiting both the organizations and individuals.

Let’s take a look at how it’s forging a new dynamic in the certification world.

Digital Credential System

Emergence of Digital Credentials

Digital credentials which are also popularly known as digital badges, are basically the electronic counterparts of a physical certificate. Certificates that represent skills, achievements or accomplishment of learning experiences.

But unlike paper-based certificates that have a physical stamp of approval from the issued certification body, which can be easily forged or manipulated, the digital credential contains verifiable metadata that holds the key elements such as the issuer, criteria of earning the certificate along with accomplishment evidence.

These elements not only help in authenticating the document but can also be shared and managed easily.

Getting Out of The Barriers of Traditional Certification

You cannot deny the hard fact that the traditional certification processes are cumbersome. Not only are they paper-based documentation that are easily destructible but they also have to go through lengthy verification processes. Also, they are not easily accessible as they have to be carried physically everywhere.

Digital credentials surpasses in each of these aspects. Technology such as verifiable credentials blockchain makes the certification process more transparent and efficient. In fact, the entire process gets streamlined offering individuals to earn, manage and share credentials online with just a few clicks.

Empowers Organizations and Individuals

One of the significant ways in which digital credential is transforming the certification game is by empowering organizations and individuals. Digital credentials are rapidly becoming a powerful tool for students and professionals to showcase their achievements and stay competitive in the academic and job market respectively.

The portability and ease of accessibility allows them to share the credentials to educators, recruiters, clients or anyone easily. This helps in advancing their progress in career and also earn them credibility.

As for the organizations, digital credentialing provides scalable and economical benefits to recognize and authenticate employee competencies. Not only are they easy to verify and in the process stop the issue of fake certificates but they are even trackable and transparent for companies to learn the journey of issued certificates.


There are plenty more ways in which digital credentials are making waves in the certification world. It is only a matter of time that the credential system takes over the age-old traditional certificate system.The ease to verify credential, share and manage them, makes them more than just a format change. ProofEasy is a document security and verification platform where they offer digital credential solutions. Check out their website to enjoy the advantages of this improved certification method.